It seems that you have stumbled on my e-profile. I'm Shah Sama, an Entrepreneur. I joined Sama Engineering in 2012 and been a part in brand recognition process. During this time period Sama Engineering turned to be a complete corporation with integrated systems and latest technologies. It got online presence and reached the amazing sales goals. Having a creative and long-term marketer approach, I worked on all businesses under “Sama group of companies”. The sense of achievement pushed me towards launching MiniBig Technologies , Digital Media Agency that focuses on “We Grow Your Business”. By this business, I achieved objective by leading FMCG companies towards growth and furnished them not only with marketing but also with multiple products to efficiently run their corporations. Success moved my mind towards bringing universe to the safe and secure hosting side. I launched to protect hosting and domain seekers from Evil Intruders. Amazing life is one that has challenges in it. This thought put me in launching a vast eCommerce project,